Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Recycled Magazine Baskets

I made these cute baskets/cups out of folded magazines. With the first basket I made the spiral looking base. These are super easy and cute containers for stuff :)

For the Base
1.) Find an old magazine that is colorful and bright (mine weren't very colorful)
2.) Cut the pages into 1 or 1 1/2 inch strips the long way
3.) Paint on a watered down glue onto the strip and fold in thirds
4.) Paint the glue onto the now narrower strip and roll into a spiral
5.) Keep painting and rolling more strips on until your base is the right size

For the Body
1.) Keep cutting and folding the strips like you did for the base
2.) Find a shape of cylinder or bowl you would like your "basket" to look like
3.) Wrap parchment paper or freezer paper and tape it around the bowl (to protect it)
4.) Take your strips and begin wrapping them around the bowl in a spiral upwards direction
5.) Make a lid like your base, or weave strips of paper like I did

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